May 21


How to have effective lab visits: tips for teachers

 Subjects like history, geography, and political science are quite theoretical. There is more memorizing and less connection with practical experience. Whereas subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics have many applications, facts, human body processes, reactions, and more. To understand and relate well with the mathematical and scientific information, lab visits are very important. Lab visits provide students with a first-hand experience of practical learning. This improves their academic performance to a great extent. Online teaching is the new normal and teachers must adapt accordingly.

Have lab visits regularly

Lab visits are very important for both schools and colleges. A laboratory is a place for study, and research for students under the supervision and guidance of the lab instructors. All teachers who teach maths and science subjects must take their students to the lab from time to time. Some of its benefits are

  • A better understanding of the lessons.
  • Help students find the answers to curious questions.
  • Working in labs in groups improves communication, collaboration, and team working skills.
  • Teach students that such experiments can only be conducted in controlled lab conditions and not at home or public places.
  • Help students memorize the theory portion easily.
  • Enhanced class performance, participation, and exam scores.
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Tips for teachers to conduct effective lab visits for students

1. Ask students to be regular for all the classes

Both theory classes and lab visits are interlinked with each other. For doing experiments in labs, first having theory classes is also important. For having a proper understanding of applicative topics, regularity in both theory and lab classes is important. Teachers who teach physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics must ask students to come to the classes regularly. Using attendance management software, keep track of students’ attendance while you teach online. The ones whom you find frequently absent, talk to them, ask for valid reasons and try to make them more regular and punctual.

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2. Set rules for the lab visits

Not all students have the same level of sincerity and accountability towards studies. Many learners take lab visits for fun and timepass. Also, they are quite mischievous too. Indiscipline, behavioral issues, and mischief in labs can cause severe mishaps, and accidents and also affect students’ learning. To avoid this happening with your class, set a code of conduct. When there will be rules and regulations for lab visits, students will act in the right way. Take strict actions against students found being undisciplined in labs. Some examples of lab rules can be

  • Not touching any specimen, or instrument without the teachers’ permission.
  • Do not use chemicals, acids, or bases until asked by the instructor.
  • Wearing lab coats.
  • Listening to the instructions given carefully.
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3. Provide students with a lab manual

We go to labs to perform experiments and activities to derive the right conclusions. To do so, following a proper procedure is important. Therefore teachers must provide students with a lab manual or lab book.

This will help students to first read the procedure from the book, seek a proper understanding and then start experimenting correctly. Also, students will be able to refer to the manual in between whenever facing any problem in performing the experiments. Teachers should search well on the internet and provide students with an effective and understandable lab guide.

4. Ask students to make practical files and check them from time to time

The way we study in theory classes and do the work in notebooks, the same way should be practiced for lab visits too. Only visiting the labs and doing experiments is not enough. To jot down the conclusions, and results are equally important. This will help students to refer to this information for revisions and self-studies.

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Therefore all teachers must ask students to make practical files. Ask them to write the procedure, the material used, conclusion, and result and draw related diagrams of every practical performed in labs respectively. LMS full form is a learning management system that teachers can use to maintain records of students’ classwork, homework, practical files, and assignments with just a few clicks and taps.


For a better understanding of applicative and scientific subjects, having real-life experience is very important. Therefore, along with theory classes, teachers should conduct lab visits regularly. We discussed the benefits of lab visits for students. By following the above-mentioned tips, teachers can conduct effective and beneficial lab visits for students.

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